SmitFraudFix v2.423 (WinXP, Win2K)
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This tool removes Desktop Hijack malware: Advanced Antivirus, Advanced Virus Remover, AdwarePunisher, AdwareSheriff, AlphaCleaner, AntiSpyCheck, AntiSpyware Expert, Antispyware Soldier, AntiVermeans, AntiVermins, AntiVerminser, AntiVirGear, Antivirus 2009, Antivirus 2010, Antivirus 360, AntiVirus Lab 2009, Antivirus Master, Antivirus Sentry, Antivirus System Pro, Antivirus XP 2008, AntivirusGolden, AV Antispyware, AVGold, Awola, BraveSentry, Coreguard Antivirus, Extra Antivirus, HomeAntivirus 2009, IE Defender, IE-Security, Internet Antivirus, Malware Defender 2009, MalwareCrush, MalwareWipe, MalwareWiped, MalwaresWipeds, MalwareWipePro, MalwareWiper, Micro Antivirus 2009, MS AntiSpyware 2009, MS Antivirus, PC Protection Center 2008, Personal Defender 2009, PestCapture, PestTrap, Power Antivirus, Power-Antivirus-2009, PSGuard,, RegistryFox, Registry Cleaner, Renus 2008, Security iGuard, Smart Antivirus 2009, Smitfraud, SmitFraudFixTool, Spy Protector, SpyAxe, SpyCrush, SpyDown, SpyFalcon, SpyGuard, SpyHeal, SpyHeals, SpyLocked, SpyMarshal, SpySheriff, SpySoldier, Spyware Guard 2008, Spyware Protect 2009, Spyware Vanisher, Spyware Soft Stop, SpywareLocked, SpywareQuake, SpywareKnight, SpywareRemover, SpywareSheriff, SpywareStrike,, System Antivirus 2008, System Guard 2009, TheSpyBot, TitanShield Antispyware, Total Protect 2009, Total Secure 2009, Trust Cleaner, Ultimate Antivirus 2008,, UnVirex, Virtual Maid, Virus Heat, Virus Protect, Virus Protect Pro, VirusBlast, VirusBurst, VirusRay, Virus Remover 2008, Virus Shield, VirusResponse Lab 2009, VirusTrigger, Win32.puper, WinHound, WinPC Defender, WiniBlueSoft, Vista Antivirus 2008, WinDefender 2009, XLG Security Center, XP Deluxe Protector, XP Security Center, XPert Antivirus, XP Police Antivirus, Brain Codec, ChristmasPorn, DirectAccess, DirectVideo, EliteCodec, eMedia Codec, EZVideo, FreeVideo, Gold Codec, HQ Codec, iCodecPack, IECodec, iMediaCodec, Image ActiveX Object, Image Add-on, IntCodec, iVideoCodec, JPEG Encoder, Key Generator, LookForPorn, Media-Codec, MediaCodec, MMediaCodec, MovieCommander, MPCODEC, My Pass Generator, NetProject, Online Image Add-on, Online Video Add-on, PCODEC, Perfect Codec, PowerCodec, PornPass Manager, PornMag Pass, Pornovid, PrivateVideo, QualityCodec, Silver Codec, SearchPorn, SexVid, SiteEntry, SiteTicket, SoftCodec, strCodec, Super Codec, TrueCodec, VideoAccess, VideoBox, VidCodecs, Video Access ActiveX Object, Video ActiveX Object, Video Add-on, VideoCompressionCodec, VideoKeyCodec, VideosCodec, WinAntiSpyPro, WinMediaCodec, X Password Generator, X Password Manager, ZipCodec, WinCoDecPRO...

joedanger is NOT involved with Smitfraudfix in any way!

This tool was created by S!Ri, and is available for FREE.
Voluntary donations will be accepted by S!Ri, at his main website only.
Anyone, other than the creator, trying to make a profit
or solicit money from its use would be involved in fraudulent activity.



Make a donation:

joedanger is NOT involved with Smitfraudfix in any way!

This tool was created by S!Ri, and is available for FREE.
Voluntary donations will be accepted by S!Ri, at his main website only.
Anyone, other than the creator, trying to make a profit
or solicit money from its use would be involved in fraudulent activity.

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